My 15-hour first class flight NIGHTMARE: I had hair and 'things' moving in my compartment, the entertainment system was broken, and there was no tablecloth over my nuts on US flight to India

Trending 2 weeks ago

By Taryn Pedler

Published: 10:14 BST, 27 September 2024 | Updated: 10:33 BST, 27 September 2024

A traveller was near disgusted aft taking a luxury first-class formation only to beryllium met pinch filthy conditions successful nan nightmare aircraft.

Anip Patel paid £4,700 to alert successful style from Chicago to Delhi - but upon boarding nan Boeing 777 he was stunned find hairsbreadth clumps lodged successful various crevices, ripped furnishings, and dirt-covered seats.

The disgruntled rider whipped retired his telephone to grounds nan grim conditions of what he thought would beryllium a glitter first-class compartment, but alternatively captured surfaces pinch layers of mildew and a surgery TV.

According to Patel, nan onboard entertainment was allegedly surgery for nan 15-hour formation and nan dishes appeared mean astatine champion - pinch stale-looking samosas and lumpy soup.  

He said: 'Look astatine really gross this is, location was hairsbreadth and location were things moving successful each compartment. 

Anip Patel was near disgusted erstwhile he saw really filthy his first-class compartment was connected an Air India formation earlier this month

Patel said nan intermezo strategy was surgery for nan full 15-hour flight

He captured successful his footage nan lumpy crockery he was served connected board

Mysterious achromatic stains could beryllium seen connected nan furniture

Patel said nan samosas were old connected his first-class flight

The furnishings appeared to beryllium torn and ripped connected nan aircraft

'Everything was ripped, ruined aliases had mildew connected it. I understand regular deterioration and tear, but this was next-level, guys.'

Patel conceded that nan onboard paper was 'promising' but claimed 30 per cent of nan nutrient was unavailable.

He added: 'They only had 1 of each point and location was only 4 of america successful nan full cabin. And it was fundamentally a first come, first serve.'

In his grisly clip, viewers were near stunned to spot heavy achromatic ungraded clogging nan ventilation strategy and mysterious stains connected nan spot fabric.

The furious rider besides lamented nan deficiency of wifi and surgery in-flight intermezo strategy that nan unit were incapable to fix, leaving him pinch thing to do for nan full flight.

Patel said: 'It was a nightmare. I was robbed connected this flight.'

He later said successful an update that Air India had offered him a afloat refund for nan mediocre experience.

He said: 'I did not record immoderate title pinch Air India but done societal media they saw this video – they called maine coming and refunded my full formation they did make it correct and it's worthy noting.'

Air India was classed 103rd among 350 airlines by nan Skytrax World Airline Awards successful 2023. 

The emblem bearer roseate somewhat to 90th position successful 2024 but it still lags acold down nan apical carriers globally successful position of rider acquisition and work quality.

Source dailymail