Macy's to exit upscale Massachusetts mall as chain's store closures continue

Trending 3 weeks ago

Macy's bosses are forging up pinch shop closures arsenic they look to reinvent nan 166-year-old retailer.

The troubled section shop concatenation announced successful February that it would shut 150 over nan adjacent 3 years - including 55 by nan extremity of 2024. 

It will beryllium near pinch conscionable 350 stores - a acold outcry from nan highest of astir 1,100 successful 2008. Since past it has been successful dependable decline. 

Macy's has yet to denote precisely which stores will beryllium affected, but labor are speculating whether their location could beryllium connected nan chopping block.

The latest to look is at the Kingston Collection promenade successful Massachusetts, but will enactment unfastened for locals to shop location done nan holidays and adjacent successful early 2025.

Macy's has upped nan number of stores that it is closing this year, arsenic it attempts to revamp its dwindling business (Pictured: Flagship shop successful Manhattan)

Originally opened arsenic a Filene's successful 1989, it transitioned to Macy’s during a activity of unit mergers successful nan mid-2000s. 

For decades, nan shop has been a cornerstone of nan mall, serving hundreds of thousands of shoppers and contributing to nan mall's identity. 

Bosses said nan closure ties successful pinch its strategy to return to profitable growth.

'As portion of our caller strategy to return Macy's to profitable maturation and heighten nan customer experience, Macy's has sold its Kingston Collection shop successful Kingston, Massachusetts,' a spokesperson told The Patriot Ledger.

Locals expressed sadness astatine nan news. 

'It's sad. I grew up present and I've shopped here,' 1 shopper told WBZ radio. 

Another said: 'I'm very disappointed, I emotion it. I'm wearing these apparel from Macy's,

Like galore section stores, Macy's has been suffering from dwindling sales amid nan stratospheric emergence of online rivals and nan demise of America's suburban malls.

Earlier this year,  Tony Spring was named nan caller CEO - and he  announced a awesome turnaround effort.

This includes closing much than a 3rd of stores - leaving conscionable 350 nationwide by 2026 - and focusing much connected its luxury offerings Bloomingdale's and Bluemercury.

It besides closed 5 further locations successful January, and laid disconnected complete 2,000 workers. 

Macy's reached its highest number of stores successful 2008, erstwhile it operated astir US 1,100 locations. 

This included a operation of full-line section stores, furnishings galleries, and different formats. 

Retail master Neil Saunders said that immoderate locations person been 'left to rot' and person been showing signs of neglect.  

'The biggest things that person gone incorrect astatine Macy's are nan value of nan stores and nan merchandise assortment, Saunders, an expert astatine GlobalData Retail, told earlier this year. 

'And truthful complete nan years customers person deserted it, income person tumbled and shop productivity has gone down. All nan metrics person gone successful nan incorrect direction.'

It comes aft nan institution scrapped talks successful July pinch 2 investors trying to bargain retired nan chain. 

Retail expert Neil Saunders said Macy's stores had been 'left to rot', arsenic finance has dried up and value has dwindled

Macy's said it is focusing much connected its luxury offerings Bloomingdale's and Bluemercury

Department stores person fallen from 14.5 percent of wide US unit income successful 1985, to conscionable 2.6 percent successful 2023

Macy's opened its flagship shop successful Herald Square, Manhattan, successful 1902

Macy's is relying connected nan turnaround strategy spearheaded by caller CEO Tony Spring

Macy's is 1 of galore retailers closing stores this twelvemonth arsenic nan ongoing 'retail apocalypse' forces brick-and-mortar locations to grapple pinch rising theft and shrinking profit margins. 

There were almost 2,600 shop closures successful nan first 4 months of 2024. If that inclination continues, almost 8,000 will person been mislaid by nan extremity of nan year.

It emerged connected Tuesday that Walgreens will shutter much than 1,200 stores in bid to move astir struggling chain.

And past week, it merged that Big Lots is shutting 500 stores crossed aggregate states arsenic its financial woes worsen.  

Dollar stores person been deed difficult too, pinch 99 Cents Only announcing successful April it would shutter each 371 of its locations across California, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. 

Family Dollar has said it will unopen 1,000 stores under its ain banner and that of sister institution Dollar Tree complete nan adjacent 3 years. 

Badcock Home Furniture & More said astatine nan extremity of July it is closing each its 380 stores dotted astir nan South aft it fell into bankruptcy earlier this year.

Source dailymail