As Long as There Is Territory to Fight Over, War Will Be With Us

Trending 4 weeks ago

The melodramatic move of events successful Syria’s 13-year civilian warfare has consumed nan world’s attraction for nan past fewer weeks. A lightning rebel offensive ousted nan country’s long-ruling dictator, Bashar al-Assad, and created nan opportunity to extremity nan country’s lengthy soul conflict. With hostilities still unfolding successful parts of nan country, lasting bid is acold from certain, but nan anticipation of it unsocial is invited news.

Given nan play successful Syria, it was easy to place affirmative developments successful different long-running war. On Dec. 4, nan Ethiopian authorities reached a ceasefire pinch nan Oromo Liberation Army, aliases OLA. Conflict betwixt nan authorities and various rebel groups successful nan Oromia region has been ongoing since nan early 1970s, pinch nan fighting betwixt nan Ethiopian authorities and nan OLA having persisted aft nan Oromo Liberation Front, aliases OLF, splintered disconnected pursuing a bid woody successful 2018. The conflict successful Oromia was successful summation to Ethiopia’s war against nan Tigray People’s Liberation Front, which lasted from 2020 to 2022, and ongoing fighting successful nan Amhara region.

Sadly, location mightiness beryllium different logic that nan ceasefire successful Ethiopia attracted small attention, a logic pinch ominous implications for Syria and nan different conflicts raging astir nan world: It didn’t last, arsenic nan position of nan statement person already been violated. Moreover, nan ceasefire only addressed 1 facet of 1 of nan conflicts afflicting Ethiopia and inflicting a devastating toll connected its people.

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