A study in mice hints at a new way to treat spinal cord injuries

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The uncovering suggests that a supplier to easiness swelling tin velocity betterment and extremity compartment death

A integer reconstruction of a azygous nervus cell, colored green, is dotted pinch smaller reddish areas.

After a spinal cord injury, a definite benignant of nervus compartment successful mice swells up. This reconstruction shows a rodent neuron dotted pinch a macromolecule (red) that allows nan compartment to puff up aft trauma.

Q. Li et al/STM 2024

After a devastating spinal cord injury, mice’s nervus cells balloon up successful size. Some of these neurons stay swollen longer than expected and statesman to die, a study published September 25 successful Science Translational Medicine shows. A supplier that brought this swelling down improved nan mice’s recovery, though it’s not yet known if nan attack would activity successful people.

Until now, nan specifications of neuron swelling successful nan spinal cord weren’t clear, says Bo Chen, a neuroscientist astatine nan University of Texas Medical Branch astatine Galveston. “We didn’t cognize really agelong [the cells enactment swollen], aliases if they’re going to die,” he says. “We were guessing.”

Source sciencenews